RIDEWAX™ main test rider Mr.Masaki Tsukamoto
To develop RIDEWAX ™, Mr. Masaki Tsukamoto (NSA Tokyo branch) of 2016,2015All Japan Longboard Master Class Champion played a major role as a main test rider.
About 3 years from 2015, it was completed by repeated tests, it became wax which can correspond to the world’s ocean.
For players, wax is required for reliability to win the game.
Mr.Tsukamoto has demonstrated the performance of RIDEWAX ™ in practice.

Masaki Tsukamoto
Mr.Masaki Tsukamoto profile ~ Keep Happy Surfing ~
Birth: 1968 Hometown: Tokyo
14 years old, I started surfing with my friends with a single fin that my friend brought.
I got a culture shock.
I bought a USED board from my senior soon.
FISH became the first board.
There is Kamata ‘s THE SURF in the neighbor’ s surf shop, and it entered the surf shop for the first time.
The scent of WAX drifted in the store.
Owner shooting video flowed into the store, there was a product imported directly from California.
Surfboard, wet suit, wear, stickers all coolly adore.
The clerk kindly responded to me, and I decided to go to the store on a daily basis.
On the weekend I went on a wave by train to Kugenuma and Oiso beach
When I was a high school student, I worked part-time at The Surf as a repairman.
Every Sunday I was taken to Chiba to seniors and enjoyed my student life.

Masaki Tsukamoto
20 years old, under the owner Mr.KITO living in California, went to the USA for surfboard packing, shipping, shape training.
Surprised by the difference in surf culture, I was increasingly fascinated.
One FUN BOARD passed from the owner.
During the thruster’s heyday, the round big board did not bend, the board did not move, I sent dissatisfied days.
However, thanks to this board, a change in the bottom turn, top turn was born and learned the foundation.
Again I was impressed by his wonderfulness.
After returning to Japan, I work as a THE SURF staff at Tokyo branch, Yokohama branch and long board store.
As a multi-surfer, ride anything without being caught in the genre, short-alternative / longboards.
In the competition, NSA Longboard Master Class for 5 consecutive years final list.
Have two victory experiences inside.
Keep walking with the surf shop with the motto of Keep Happy Surfing.

Masaki Tsukamoto
2014 NSA 49th All Japan Surfing Championship, Longboard Master Class 4th
2015 NSA 50th All Japan Surfing Championship, Longboard Masterclass champion
2016 NSA 51st All-Japan Surfing Championship, Longboard Masterclass champion
2017 NSA 52nd All-Japan Surfing Championship, Longboard Master Class 3rd
2018 NSA 53rd All Japan Surfing Championship, Longboard Master Class 2nd place
2018 NSA 15th Masters Open Surfing Championship, Longboard Master Class 2nd place
2018 NSA point ranking, Longboard master class third place
Mr. Tsukamoto’s talking tone is very calm and from that perspective,A polite attitude and feelings that face straight to surfing are transmitted.Mr. Tsukamoto is still an active player as a player, but he is also looking towards future surfing and training for juniors.Also about RIDEWAX ™, grip power, difficult to peel, etc., etc.I feel persuasive power to the behavior that is told the feeling of use.
(written by pene)
RIDEWAX™ メインテストライダー 塚本 真佐樹氏
■プロフィール■ 塚本 真佐樹氏
生年月日:1968年 出身地:東京都
近所のサーフショップに蒲田のTHE SURFがあり、初めてサーフショップに入る。
オーナーに渡された1本のFUN BOARD。
帰国後はTHE SURFスタッフとして東京店、横浜店、ロングボード店で働く。
Keep Happy Surfingをモットーに、サーフショップと共に歩む
2014年 NSA第49回全日本選手権 ロングボードマスタークラス 4位
2015年 NSA第50回全日本選手権 ロングボードマスタークラス 優勝
2016年 NSA第51回全日本選手権 ロングボードマスタークラス 優勝
2017年 NSA第52回全日本選手権 ロングボードマスタークラス 3位
2018年 NSA第53回全日本選手権 ロングボードマスタークラス 2位
2018年 NSA第15回マスターズオープン選手権 ロングボードマスタークラス 2位
2018年 NSAポイントランキング ロングボードマスタークラス 3位
RIDEWAX™についても、グリップ力、剥がれにくい事、、、など使用感を話される動作にも説得力を感じます。 (後記 pene)
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